November 2015 Archives

Rad note » this entry originated from another page. It was moved here because the subject drifted far enough to warrant its own, separate entry.

At the end of this entry (that you're reading now) I have included a link that will return you to the exact spot from where this entry originated. Here ya go ...

» The Lust and Rue of Mary-Louise

I know it must just be my imagination .. but I can hear Mary-Louise saying behind me, "He *does* have a point there, Mary."

What a photo .. kinda freaks me out the way she looks right thru you.

I had to put my hand over her picture in order to read .. cuz she wouldnt stop looking at me.

Her looks remind me very much of cousin, Patty. (Just put a big smile on her face. I sent an email with the link to her, asking what she thought. Cousin-Patty was in the Miss CT pageant twice .. placing 5th & 3rd.)

That article says that Mary-Louise's book is not a memoir. What says the Queen?

She is talking to these old lovers (.. with "lust and rue"). Kinda like what I am doing.

I can sense resistance .. it is not any easy place to go. So respect to her.

» The Lust and Rue of Mary-Louise Remind Me

But remind me to tell you about the conversation that I had with the Bug's mom .. when I met her running on the beach that first time ..

.. because it comes into play here with M-LP's book. Or at least, reading that article made me think of it.

Because this was a very crucial moment for me. Certainly up there will all of the biggies.

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Egan Throwsdown with Extreme Prejudice

Rad note » this entry originated from another page. It was moved here because this section grew large enough to warrant its own, separate entry.

At the end of this entry (that you're reading now) I have included a link that will return you to the exact spot from where this entry originated. Here ya go ...

» Egan

I've also mentioned how much I admire Egan on this page (Day #23).

The Big Burn | An American Experience of 1910Here is what I wrote about him there »

"..based on the 2014 book by Egan .. a truly gifted writer.

He is one of my favorites at the New York Times."

Egan basically owns the Writing Rights at the NY Times for everything in the Northwest part of our country ..

.. where I lived for a few years .. while stationed aboard a nuclear submarine there.

Oh, it looks like Egan has taken over California, too.

He wrote the book on the Dust Bowl, so he would in a great position to discuss a similar environmental change occurring here in California.

Egan is actually beyond (mere) opinion writing. (Anywhere, even at the NY Times.) Well beyond.

Here is a very nice column that he wrote on Pope Francis (May 15).

Egan is versatile. He seems able to write about anything. (And make it look easy.)

[ I grew up with an Egan. He was best friends with Lance, an All-American with hands like glue who lived across the street. Egan took no shit from anybody.

He was not an asshole, but he had an older brother (Richie) who toughened him up.

» Lance & Egan & the Fabulously Ferocious Fastballs

Remind me to tell you my Egan story, about how I threw him the fattest fast-ball you've ever seen during the last game we ever played in Little League.

I pitched for 3 years during Little League and nobody ever hit a home run off me. Ever. But this was the last game of the year, of our Little League careers, and nothing would change no matter who won.

Egan batted second in their line-up. Lance batted third. I had struck out Egan before.

Lance was one home run away from being the home run king that year. Because he was tied with Wojo, who was twice his size.

And before the game he was working me to throw him a fatty so that he could claim the title of Home Run King solo that year (giving him 6 to Wojo's 5), his last year of Little League.

To which I agreed, when he said, "Come on, I'll give you 50 cents."

Egan was standing there with Lance and wanted in on the same deal.

Update - I have moved this section to its own, separate entry .. due to severe subject drift. (Blame it on the chemo.) See here » Lance & Egan & the Fabulously Ferocious Fastballs.

Egan also wrote a book on the Dust Bowl titled » The Worst Hard Time, which goodreads ranks #16 ..out of more than 1,000 books on American History.

(Where the Pulitzer Prize winning book John Adams by David McCullough is ranked #1.)

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Queen of the Memoir Insists that It's Not About the Penis

Rad note » this entry originated from another page. It was moved here because the subject drifted far enough to warrant its own, separate entry.

At the end of this entry (that you're reading now) I have included a link that will return you to the exact spot from where this entry originated. Here ya go ...

Kate Manne is a professor at Cornell, which is located in Ithaca, the best college town in America .. and home of David.Foster.Wallace ..

.. who is referenced by Joseph Frank in his intro to Dostoevsky's bio as "perceptive, gifted and lamented," ..

.. and about whom a new movie has been released, and who dated Mary Karr ..

.. who he once tried to push out of a moving car. (She probably deserved it. She admits to being not a particularly nice person.)

Tuck-n-roll, Mary. I've almost been run over a few times myself.

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