October 2018 Archives

This entry originated at the end of this page » Another Mind-Fucking Tragedy (14 Sept 2018).

» Looking So Happy You Could Melt

You look happy here.

The Wizard and I | NBC's A Very Wicked Halloween (29 Oct 2018)

It made me happy to see you happy.

I included a different image of you here, in a section labeled » A Sense of Satisfaction that Permeates Even the Furthest Reaches of Your Soul (2 May 2018).

This is a remarkable performance. I have watched it more times than I would ever admit. It makes me feel good.

Your poor foot. It must be throbbing.

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This entry originated here » Hypocrisy in America - Page Two (2 Oct 2018).

» Show Me the Moral Excellence

Next time you see Mike Pence, ask him what he thinks about his boss being a gigantic tax cheat. Ask him how that sits with his values .. with his sense of moral excellence. With his sense of right-n-wrong.

How does that sit with his sense of patriotism?

Trump says about Pence: 'I dont question his loyalty at all.' (17 Nov 2018)

Ask him about the condition of the planet that is being left to our children.

U.S. Climate report warns of damaged environment and shrinking economy

Because neither he nor his boss seem to be the least bit concerned.

Trump refuses to see climate change as man-made (27 Nov 2018)

Ask him what he thinks about his generation living at the expense of the next generation?

CBO deficit projections

What does he think about his generation stealing from its kids?

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This entry continues from here » Writers are Forged in Injustice (9 June 2018).

» A Political Statement

Oh, I see you are getting political there in Tennessee. (My brother lives on a mountain top in Tennessee.)

Taylor Swift gets political in Tennessee (8 Oct 2018)

This is a nicely-crafted statement. Kind of ballsy. Margaret says that it took lots of courage to post such a statement .. citing what happened to the Dixie Chicks.

This is how a democracy is supposed to work. We need to call out bullshit when we see it.

This whole Kavanaugh fiasco must be infuriating for women.

I saw this other video where the guy says that pretty much everything is political now (at t=2:10) .. because it has invaded so much of our life.

Trump's Reality-TV version of the White House has crept into so much of our life that it is hard to get away from. Just when you think that you've seen it all, and that this administration can't possibly go any lower .. Trump proves you wrong.

Both you and this guy who says that everything is political now .. both you and her are "going political" for the first time.

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Hypocrisy in America - Page Four

This page continues from here » Hypocrisy in America - Page Three (2 Oct 2018).

» "It's Okay if You Hack Up Enemies-of-the-People"

If I were going to try a similar thing as Blow does here .. by giving existential voice to actions ..

.. I might say that the Administration's response to the Saudis for the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi is something like »

Jamal Khashoggi walking into Saudi consulate in Istanbul (2 Oct 2018)

"It's okay if you use a bone-saw to hack up journalists from the Amazon-Washington Post .. long as the blade is sharp and not very rusty .. because they are just enemies of-the-people anyway. Downright disgusting, I tell you. Thanks for the help, but try to be a little more careful next time. And 15 guys is way too many. You shouldnt need more than two or three. Talk to the Russians."

Operation InfeKtion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War (25 Nov 2018)

I am talking about actions here, not words. What do the actions say if you strip away all the words .. because you can no longer trust the words. And because actions always speak louder.

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Hypocrisy in America - Page Three

This page continues from here » Hypocrisy in America - Page Two (2 Oct 2018).

» Elite-Level Hypocrisy and the Sad Lesson of Paul Ryan's Speakership

Check out this review and fact-check of Paul Ryan's speakership done by Ari Melber (6 Dec 2018).

Paul Ryan's Speakership reviewed and fact-checked by Ari Melber (6 Dec 2018)

He is not putting words into Paul Ryan's mouth. Ari is letting Paul Ryan speak for himself .. and then looking at how Paul did relative to those statements that he publicly uttered himself.

» Nobody is Even Close

I wonder what Charlie Pierce thinks of this.

Paul Ryan is the biggest fake in politics says Charlie Pierce .. nobody is even close (19 Dec 2018).

You could spend the rest of your life trying to identify and document all the hypocrisy in our government .. and still not capture it all.

I bet that Michael Moore knows what I am talking about.

Michael Moore says Donald Trump chaos makes him frightened for the country (20 Dec 2018).

Have they no shame? Do they just say whatever they think that people want to hear? It certainly appears that way.

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Hypocrisy in America - Page Two

This page continues from here » Hypocrisy in America - Page One (2 Oct 2018).

» Birds of a Feather Flocking Together

Speaking of being renowned for hypocrisy .. here is Ken Starr with a young Brett Kavanaugh.

Ken Starr and Brett Kavanaugh are birds-of-a-feather

Birds-of-a-feather are they.

» Hypocrisy and Self-Delusion

Nobody lives a life completely free of hypocrisy .. but gross hypocrisy is a result of self-delusion.

We are better at deceiving ourselves than others (at t=1:10)

They dont see their hypocrisy because they dont know themselves .. because they are self-deluded.

And because they dont see this obvious thing that is right in front of them ..

Good thing for Trump that Mueller is not the democratic version of Ken Starr (21 March 2019)

.. they naturally think that others dont see it either.

Some people think that they are a straight-shooter .. when it is obvious to everybody else that they are not.

And it doesnt stop at just crooked shooting, either. But you will never be able to get them to see the error of their crooked shooting.

Go ahead and give it a try and you'll see what I mean.

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Hypocrisy in America - Page One

This entry originated here » When Governments Inflict Lasting Psychic Trauma on Children as a Matter of Policy - Page Two (21 June 2018).

» What a Hypocrite

I wonder what Mike Pence thinks of this. He seems to be familiar with the way that bad morals can end up incinerating the planet.

Mike Pence the hypocrite speaks to Bill Clinton's moral failures

He is such a hypocrite. He is a hypocrite's hypocrite. Paul says that such people condemn themselves.

Peter says to rid yourself of all hypocrisy. (Mike mustve skipped that part.)

Jesus himself warned the people about the hypocrisy of the members of the Establishment of his day ..

.. saying that these Establishment members do not practice what they preach ..

.. and that these self-righteous Establishment hypocrites like to major in the minor things .. while neglecting the really important stuff, such as justice and mercy.

Mike Pence is the Establishment of our day .. a part of the Establishment. So I probably shouldnt be so surprised at his hypocrisy.

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