September 2017 Archives

Are We Really in Love? .. or Does it Just Feel Like It?

[ This entry originated » here. ]

» What a Groove

Speaking of hearing things in your voice .. this here is very cool.

Ariana singing Break Free in Sydney Sept 9, 2017

Look at your arm here. Your fully extended arm. Whenever you fully extend your arm like this, this is your way of saying, "You might wanna look around for something sturdy to grab hold of .. because I'm fixin' to bring the thunder."

» Deliberate

As someone who likes to put things into words .. the word that I would use to describe the way you did this arm-thing here .. would be » deliberate.

First you extend you arm forward. Then you sweep it back to the pictured image here. A very deliberate motion.

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Opening Doors that have Long been Locked

[ This entry originated here » Girls Who Inspire You to Up Your Game (Dec 10, 2017). ]

» Looking for an Honest Relationship with an Honest Soul

I like this song so much that I am going to tell you what I said to the Bug's mom on the beach that first time that I met her. (Before she was the Bug's mom.)

I have hinted at this for a long time, but never came right out and shared exactly what I said .. because this opens doors to other places.

» Strong Bonding Experiences

[ For example, I can already see now that sharing this story opens the door to the single-most bonding experience with my son's mom .. which came on the day that we moved in together .. after only a matter of weeks. Maybe 6 weeks. Daring shit, for sure. This day just so happened to be New Year's day .. as coincidence would have it. So everything was feeling fresh-n-new. A new girl. A new place. A new year. So much was suddenly new. This is a good story .. this bonding story. Remind me to tell you about it. I am just teasing here .. I am not really going to tell this story. But it is an interesting and curious story. A lot of things happened that day .. but one thing in particular. It was a very bonding thing .. yet obviously, not enough. But these super bonding experiences give you a deep sense of simpatico with this person .. because you have been through somewhat traumatic experiences together. Ariana knows what I am talking about here. ]

Sometimes, I have noticed in my writing, that I can't say a thing .. before I say another thing. It's actually a little frustarting sometimes.

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Fame, Celebrity and Reputation

[ This entry originated here » The Games Begin (Sept 3, 2017). ]

» Why the Notion of Celebrity Seems So Distasteful

Regarding your enormous popularity, I was wondering why the idea of celebrity seems so distasteful to me.

[ I like the way that you threw in the line where you rap » "Younger than my exes..." to throw everybody off our trail. Nice work, Tay. Very clever.

I thought for sure that everybody would figure out our little secret when you used the sound of a click pen so prominently in Blank Space.

You have given me much to work with here. ]

And I think that it is because the writer is basically listening to his inner writing voice. And the degree to which you must pay attention to external things .. this distracts from listening to that inner voice.

Does that make sense? I have actually been wondering about that for a long time. The writer does not want to spend his time cultivating and managing an external image at the expense of listening to his internal writing voice.

Some girls help you to see things that were right there in front of you all the time. That's a good trick.

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The Games Begin

Hi Taylor.

I was thinking earlier today how something in me was craving a new song. I remember scanning the page of titles there at YouTube, looking for a new song from somebody. If not a new song, then anything new. Maybe a new trailer is out?

But being Sunday, and seeing that nobody ever releases a song on Sunday .. I seemed relegated to sit with this shitty sense of dissatisfaction.

» A Sense of Dissatisfaction Spurs the Artist to Greater Heights of Creativity

Surely you are familiar with the vague sense of dissatisfaction that comes from time to time .. when you feel like you are wanting something, or needing something .. yet you are not really sure what it is that you want or you need.

I dont think that this uncomfortable sense of dissatisfaction is limited to the artist. Perhaps the artist just feels it more accutely. More sharply. More exquisitely.

I read this thing that said it was this sense of dissatisfaction that was the thing that spurred the artist to ever greater heights of creativity. So we should therefore embrace it, and welcome it, and rejoice at its arrival.

Easier said than done. Much easier.

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