December 2021 Archives

It is written, doncha know, in the book of Isaiah, that Yahweh, the living God Himself, sent the prophet to tell the people that their hearts had become calloused. 

See for yourself.

Better yet, let me go grab those verses for you. Here you go.

Isaiah 6:9-10 (NIV, NAS) Yahweh tells Isaiah that the heart of this people has become calloused and insensitive

That is the New International Version (NIV, rev. 2011) on the left, and the New American Standard (NAS, rev. 2020) on the right.

» What Does It Mean when the Heart becomes Calloused?

The term calloused is defined as » 

  1. Emotionally hardened; unfeeling
  2. Hardened in mind or feelings
  3. Deadened feelings or morals
  4. Toughened
  5. Unfeeling or indifferent to the sufferings of others

Callouses, I am sure you know, are patches of skin that have become tough and thick and leathery and hard and deadened to feelings over time, usually due to much heavy use.

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