This page originated here .. in an entry titled » Another Blessing in Disguise (19 July 2019).
» Witnessing the Rise of Naked Racism as a Defining Political Strategy
There is some very dark shit going on in America today. And so much of it, too. Things that people never thought they would see in modern-day America ..
.. such as the rise of naked racism as a defining political strategy.
» The Unfolding of a National Moral Crisis
I bet that Brittney and Mara and Melissa know the national moral crisis that I am talking about.
Mara (center) says that this is the time to speak out and tell America what your values are .. and to stand up for your fellow citizen (29 July 2019).
I could not agree more.
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••• today's entry continues here below •••
Ilhan Omar knows what I am talking about.
This unfolding moral crisis of the rise of a nakedly racist political strategy is the reason why the last remaining black Republican member of the House has decided that he has had enough.
"Fuck this noise," his actions said. "I'm up out this bitch .. this nakedly racist bitch."
» Black Republicans in Congress Nearly Extinct Under Trump Administration
I wonder what Sen Tim Scott thinks of this .. because will soon be the last remaining black Republican in Congress.
Particularly when spineless Lindsey Graham has his head so far up Trump's ass that he has a permanent shit-stain around his neck.
» Over Our Dead Bodies .. Bring It .. If You Can
Cornel West definitely knows what I am talking about (at t=1:15).
Cornel West is the real deal .. and he knows it. Joe Rogan certainly knows it.
Notice how his attitude and his mind-set here is that of being prepared for a fight-to-the-death.
Scripture teaches that, if you want to prevail over the devil, triumph over the great dragon, overcome the ancient serpent who leads the whole world astray ..
.. then you will need to be prepared to fight to the death. Dont take my word for it. Read it for yourself.
All pussies and spineless cowards can go home to their mommies now.
» Fascism Made Easy
Also notice how Cornel uses the term fascist. Is Trump a fascist? (I wonder what the members of Antifa think.)
The best thing I have seen to answer this question .. is this outstanding 5-min video (15 Oct 2018) by Yale Philosophy professor Jason Stanley.
I would include this video on my 'Must See' list.
» The 3-Part Formula for Fascism
No matter the country, no matter the man (and they are always men, never women) .. all fascists employ the same simple 3-part formula.
- Conjure Up a Mythic Past (Make America Great Again .. back to a time when whites ruled the culture)
- Sow Division (between different groups such as Germans and Jews, whites and blacks, or citizens and foreigners)
- Attack the Truth (Fake Fake Disgusting News)
I wonder what Solzhenitsyn thinks of item #3.
I wonder what George Orwell thinks of item #3.
This sounds like a solemn warning to future generations.
Jason Stanley has dedicated the last decade of his life to studying fascist propaganda. You reckon he might know a thing or two about how fascism develops in a country?
And once fascism takes hold .. well, I probably shouldnt finish this sentence.
» This Might be the Best Thing I have Ever Seen Coffee Joe Do
I bet that Coffee Joe knows what I am talking about.
This might be the best thing I have ever seen Coffee Joe do .. for a number of reasons .. which is why I am including an image-link here.
He talks slowly and deliberately and he does not stutter. Not even a little.
He sat there on camera all by himself. He didnt need anybody to hold his hand or cheer him on.
I particularly took note where he called out Trump by name three times in a row. "Donald. Donald. Donald."
Trump can't say that Coffee Joe didnt try to repeatedly reach out and help him and steer him in the right direction when he was fucking up.
» I Tried to Help .. But You Refused to Listen
Someday he will tell Trump, "I tried to help you, Donald .. but you refused to listen. Now you must eat the fruit of your own devices. Bon appétit."
I can almost hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth now.
This is the end of this page. ■
This theme continues here » The Unfolding of a National Moral Crisis » Witnessing the Rise of Naked Racism as a Defining Political Strategy - Page Two (31 July 2019).
Previous » this entry originated here .. in a page titled » Another Blessing in Disguise (19 July 2019).
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