This page continues from here » The Unfolding of a National Moral Crisis » Witnessing the Rise of Naked Racism as a Defining Political Strategy - Page Three (31 July 2019).
» The 400-Year Anniversary of Slavery in America
I bet that Nikole Hannah-Jones knows what I am talking about.
She leads The 1619 Project (published 14 August 2019), which marks the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America.
I wonder what Kanye thinks of Nikole's project.
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Somebody might have to read it to him .. because I heard he doesnt read.
I still can't get over the fact that Kanye actually said that .. a black man saying that 400 years of slavery sounds like a choice.
If I hadnt actually heard him say it with my own ears, I dont think I wouldve believed it.
Just when you think you've heard it all.
The very nature of slavery is that » it is not a choice. This is why slaves were locked in chains.
If you polled each of these slaves as they stepped off the ship that day back in August of 1619 .. and you asked each of them if they had chosen to be there .. I doubt you would find many who answered, "Yes."
This is why it is such a strikingly ignorant thing to say that 400 years of slavery "sounds like a choice," .. particularly coming from a man with black skin.
» This is Something Joe Walsh Might Say
This is something I would expect to hear from somebody like Joe Walsh .. because he was a member of the Tea Party.
I bet that Peter Wehner knows what I am talking about.
Because Joe Walsh has already acknowledged his long history of making racist remarks and using racial slurs.
Here is a nice little piece on Joe Walsh by Carrie Levine of Public Integrity.
You have to give him credit for even attempting to primary Trump the racist, who is employing naked racism as a defining political strategy .. especially when so many other Republicans are cowering in fear.
» Matching Patterns
Speaking of the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America .. remind me to draw a comparison with what the Most-High God (Yahweh) told Abrahm .. as recorded in the 15th chapter of Genesis.
There are a number of curious patterns that match between the two. (Marshall knows what I am talking about.)
This is how God works .. he matches patterns. Dont say you werent warned.
Coffee Joe knows what I am talking about. "Bon Appétit, you racist motherfuckers."
» Step Away from Those Who Embrace Racist Sentiments
If you happen to find yourself standing on a big red X marked » Racist Lightning Bolt of Divine Retribution Strike Here Now .. uh, I would suggest you step away. Quickly.
If you happen to find yourself standing around with a group of people who are known to embrace racist sentiments and who espouse racist policies .. step away. You dont want any of their lightning bolts getting off on you.
Please dont make me say I told you so.
» But on that Nation I Will Bring Judgment
Notice in particular where God says » "But on that nation .. I will bring judgment."
I find it a curious thing that we have a blatantly racist president ..
.. immediately following our first black president.
Because this wouldve been a great time to move on from our nation's historically racist past. But this isnt what happened.
Not only did racist sentiments in our nation not improve .. but they actually got worse. Much worse. We regressed.
It began with the racist connotations of birtherism and continued to devolve from there.
There are many matching patterns between the two nations .. an uncomfortably large number.
I do not know everything .. but I know that racism has already been judged and condemned.
This is the end of this page. ■
This theme continues here » The 1619 Project » Marking the 400-Year Anniversary of Enslavement and Oppression Arriving in America - Page Two (14 August 2019).
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