This entry originated here, on a page titled » The Generation that Worships Money and Serves Mammon as it Steals from its Kids - Page Three (13 April 2019).
» A Bizarre and Disturbing Interview with Prosperity Preacher by Inside Edition
Speaking of the generation that worships money .. check out this bizarre and disturbing interview of so-called Prosperity preacher and televangelist Ken Copeland (82) by Lisa Guerrero for Inside Edition (3 May 2019).
Wow .. check out the look in his eyes here. I wonder what Kyle thinks of this interview. I wonder what Ana thinks.
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I wonder what Lisa thinks.
Good job, Lisa. Impressive work. Kudos to you.
I admit that I was surprised that you were able to catch up with him and engage him like that for so long.
You can bet that the next time he sees you coming ..
.. he will say, "Oh, shit .. here comes Lisa Guerrero. Let's get the fuck out of here. Quick ... lock the doors. Make sure all the windows are up and blast the music so we can't hear her."
I wonder what John Oliver thinks.
This episode here with John Oliver clutching this giant penis made me laugh so hard. "Some of it looked fake .. but some of it did not."
» The Generation Whose Values were Warped by the Great Depression
This preacher is 82. He was born in 1936. He was born during the Great Depression .. literally his formative years.
So it is certainly understandable to see how his value-structure could have become so warped.
The Great Depression left its mark on, and warped the values of all who lived through it. It was a very bad time that lasted for a long time.
If you had been born in the middle of the Great Depression like this prosperity preacher, who focuses so strongly on money and finances and wealth ..
.. then your value structure would also have been bent and deformed to prioritize money so highly .. to worship it. To serve it as a god .. oh so diligently.
His Wikipedia page says that he is worth some $760 million. (I didnt know that he is thrice-married.) Heck, he is almost a billionaire.
» I Challenge this Octogenarian to Give Away Most of His Wealth to the Less-Fortunate
Scripture instructs the believer to » "Charge them that are rich in this world not to trust in uncertain riches."
And also to » "be generous and willing to share with others."
$760 million certainly qualifies this so called prosperity preacher as being "rich in this world." Actually, it more than qualifies him.
So in obedience to the scriptures, I hereby charge him to stop hoarding his wealth, and to stop trusting in uncertain riches.
And I challenge him to be generous and give away most of his wealth to help the poor and the needy.
I mean, at 82, how many more years do you reckon he has left to live here on planet earth?
If he gave away 700 million to those in need, that would still leave him with some $60 million to live on for however many years he has left to live (.. which arent going to be very many).
Is 60 million dollars enough money for this octogenarian to live on for his remaining years?
Do you think he will be able to rise to the challenge? Do you think he has it in him? (Harry knows what I am talking about.)
Or do you think that he trusts in those riches so much that he will not be able to bring himself to part with them?
Hillary was not able to bring herself to part with those Wall Street riches that she so strongly trusts in .. and we see how that turned out.
Hopefully this so called prosperity preacher can do better than Hillary. Hopefully he doesnt trust in uncertain riches as much as Hillary does.
» Easier for a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle
Lisa challenged this prosperity preacher with what the Lord said about how difficult it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Some claim the Greek word for camel (kamêlos) is a misspelling for the Greek word kamilos, meaning "rope" or "cable" .. which makes more sense if you think about it.
But the main point here is that it is difficult for a rich person to enter into Godly things .. because they » "cling to possessions and status as security."
Who has not done this? Who has not clung to possessions and status as security?
It is the easiest thing to do. You dont even have to try. It happens automatically, and it is very difficult to stop.
When Lisa confronted Copeland with this verse, he responded by saying, "Yes, but with God all things are possible." .. implying here that God is enabling him to possess great riches without trusting in them as security.
It is certainly possible with God to walk across the surface of water .. but I dont see Copeland walking across any lakes. You feel me here.
See, evangelicals are Trump's most loyal supporters.
And Trump values money to a pathological and criminal degree.
This suggests that Copeland's riches are not because God is bestowing them upon him, but rather because he values money to such an extreme degree .. which is totally understandable for someone who was born literally in the middle of the Great Depression.
So, again, I challenge this so called prosperity preacher to give away most of their great wealth .. to the poor and the needy among them .. so that he can demonstrate (to himself and those around him) that he is indeed trusting in the Living God, and not in his wealth and his riches and his possessions.
My intuition tells me that he will not be able to do it. He will probably come up with one bullshit excuse or another .. as to why he isnt able do it.
» When Some Will Turn Away From and Abandon the Faith
I wonder what Copeland thinks about what Paul says about believers in the last days .. that they will:
» turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, misled by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron, leaving them incapable of ethical functioning.
Somebody please ask him for me and let me know what he says. If I were him, I would take my time with that question.
But not too much time .. seeing that he is 82 years old.
This is the end of this page. ■
This theme continues here » Peddling an Adulterated Version of God's Message for Profit - Page One, Part B (6 June 2019).
Previous » This entry originated here, on a page titled » The Generation that Worships Money and Serves Mammon as it Steals from its Kids - Page Three (13 April 2019).
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