This page continues from an entry titled » Nobody Does It for Me Like She Does (2 Feb 2022).
This page is my HTML marker to be used beginning today.
You know, girly .. I have not done anything with this page yet .. beyond creating the HTML with this title on this date, and dropping in the timestamp graphic. (To show I mean business).
You must admit .. that is one fine-looking timestamp there. They don't come much finer than that.
We would have to wait 200 years for something better. (Wait 'til you see what I am going to write to you on that day. You wouldn't believe it .. even if I told you.)
This means I like you, you know .. when I do stuff like this .. when I write stuff like this. In my own unique way of seeing things and doing things, this means I like you.
» Ten Year Anniversary of the First Time I Made You Mine
Today is the 10 year anniversary, by the way, of the first time I used your image. It sat atop a page, you might recall, titled » Surprisingly Aggressive High School Hotties (22 Feb 2012).
Time flies when you're having fun. Seems like just yesterday when I was thinking how well that image would work for me .. as I cropping it, and having my way with it.
<ignore this intentional body-text marker>