This entry continues from here » Page One (19 March 2018).
» Boner-City for the Writer
This thing that the nation is going through right now .. where we are testing the very foundations of democracy and the republic and the Constitution itself .. this is gnarly shit .. as Steve Schmidt can articulate as well as anyone.
But it makes for fascinating writing.
As I am sure that AC Thompson would agree.
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••• today's entry continues here below •••
» I Hate These People .. Because Hate is What We Need
Speaking of Documenting Hate .. check out what Trump said here, publicly, with his own mouth on the Larry King show in 1989.
He said » "I hate these people. Let's all hate these people. Because hate is what we need."
I wonder what scripture says about such hate.
» Trump Got Caught Up in a Global Fraud Scheme
I bet that Adam Davidson knows what I am talking about.
Because such things open up so many avenues into the human soul and humanity and morals and ethics and what your values are.
I bet that Alicia knows exactly what I am talking about. And Stephanie. And Max Boot. And Michelle.
And Thomas Friedman. Trump to dictators: "Have a nice day." While Justin Trudeau deserves a "special place in hell."
[ Not if Ivanka has anything to say about it. ]
See .. they are making the point that the values of this administration are opposite what American values have always been.
And opposite what they should be.
» Fmr CIA Director John Brennan Says Trump is a Danger to Democracy
I bet that John Brennan knows exactly what I am talking about. Check out his response here (at t=5:20) when Hallie Jackson asks him if he thinks that Trump is a danger to democracy.
This is the kind of thing that gives a writer a total boner. A writing boner .. so to speak.
Phil Rucker knows what I am talking about.
» The Thief Comes Only to Steal
Along these lines, I can't help but wonder how Neil Gorsuch feels sitting in a seat that was stolen from another nominated man.
Does he feel in any way illegitimate? It's a valid question, no?
I find the whole thing somewhat ironic .. because the Court is supposed to be about determining right and wrong at the highest level in our nation. And yet, this justice sits in a stolen seat.
Ironic might not be the best word, but you feel me.
And the fact that this seat was stolen from a black man, who did the nominating .. this only adds to sense of wrongness.
» My Extensive Firsthand Experience Dealing with a Number of Different Judges in the Same Courtroom Over the Years
I would like to tell both Neil Gorsuch and Merrick Garland about the abundance of firsthand experience that I have operating in a courtroom.
I have been through a number of different judges over the many years that I have spent in a courtroom .. dealing with a case (Paternity) where I am actually listed as the plaintiff, no less.
My experience has been .. that the particular applicable laws matter in only a superficial sort of way. Likewise, the pertinent facts-of-the-case also matter only in a superficial sort of way.
In my experience, the only thing that really matters, far beyond what the applicable laws (which never change) might state, and far more than what the facts of the case might be (which dont change going back several years) ..
.. the only thing that really matters in the courtroom is » the Judge.
I am talking about here the various personal perspectives on the case, and the deeply ingrained prejudices that a judge invariably brings with him or her to the bench.
» The Applicable Laws Dont Really Matter and the Particular Facts of the Case Matter Even Less
It startled me how drastically things change in the courtroom .. based on who the particular judge was.
Some judges felt like they totally sympathized with my plight .. while other seemed to hate my very guts .. on a personal level .. as if I somehow reminded them of someone who they hated with a passion.
I could certainly go into mind-numbing detail here .. explaining ad nauseum exactly why I feel this way .. but suffice to say that this has been my experience.
» Justice in America is a Joke .. a Bad Joke
My experience has been that the Letter-of-the-Law means next-to-nothing .. and the Facts-of-the-Case mean even less. The only thing that really matters on a ruling that affects you life in a huge way .. is the judge sitting behind the elevated desk.
This is why it disturbs me when congress contemptuously flouts the applicable laws, and when the particular facts of the case to take control over the seating of judges favorable to rich-n-powerful and exploitive of the weak and the poor and the helpless.
When our representative form of government represents only the rich and the powerful .. to such an extreme .. an extreme which only continues to grow more-n-more severe over the last 40 years ..
.. well, perhaps you can see why we the people are so desperate for representatives who represent us and not the tiny fraction of Americans who are fabulously rich-n-powerrful.
We want them to stop selling their votes to the rich-n-powerful while we the people grow more desperate.
The fabulously wealthy already have more money than they can possible spent in ten lifetimes. Maybe even a hundred.
At what point does enough become enough? When you have enough money to live in decadent luxury for how many lifetimes?
» Writing is Very Much Affected by the Times in Which the Writer Lives
The writer is very much affected by and influenced by the times in which he lives.
Ai Weiwei knows what I am talking about.
Hemingway pooh-pooh'ed Fitzgerald's writing by saying that Scott was never in a war like Hemingway was .. and that this was the reason why Fitzgerald's books and stories werent as good.
Hemingway does indeed have a deep-seated insecurity that you can see him operating out of/from/with. (Just like the Donald.) It is probably the thing that drove him to such muscular standards of writing.
I consider Fitzgerald the better writer. I realize that such comparisons are silly in the grand scheme of things. But I can't stop myself from admiring and appreciating their writing.
Anyway .. I actually just wanted to point out this area where I am feeling these FBI guys .. and how I can appreciate the way they value realtime documentation.
It takes time, and is a deliberate thing. It is not something that happens by itself. And you must do it even when you have a million other things to do.
But I ended up mentioning how this existential crisis that America is going through right now makes for great writing .. as I am sure that both Hemingway and Fitzgerald would concur.
» Bon Appétit, Motherfuckers
It must be true what they say about fools .. that they » rush in where angels fear to tread.
Fortunes change over time, as the wheels of justice click around into place for the righteous man.
You'll see what I mean .. sooner or later.
And Coffee Joe will be right there saying, "I tried to tell you fuckers .. but you refused to listen. Now you must eat the fruit of your own devices. Bon appétit, motherfuckers."
I can almost hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth now.
Oh, look at Coffee Joe go here .. in a piece titled » Trump Has Been Lying About Russia For Years (9 Oct 2018) .. where he and only he talks for the whole video.
This is the most direct that I have ever seen Coffee Joe get.
» You Can't Say I Didnt Try to Warm Them
See .. come Judgment Day, these fuckers are going to be saying, "Why didnt you tell me? Why didnt you warn me?"
I have been telling them. I have been warning them. Many times I warned them. This section right here is but one more example of me trying to warn these fuckers.
I am jumping up-n-down, trying to warn them. I am using every possible approach that I can think of.
I try subtlety, I try directness. I try sympathy, I try ridicule. I try cold, hard facts, and I try absurdity.
» At Some Point You Must Leave Them to Their Own Devices
At some point you start thinking, "I have tried everything I know to try .. and even some stuff that I made up myself. I can't think of anything else to try. If these self-righteous people who call themselves Christians dont get it by now, then I feel confident that I have exhausted every possible avenue available .. and even blazed a number of my own paths .. just to be able to say that I tried my best to get through all the walls and defenses and hostilities that these fuckers have erected against me. I am so very disappointed in them .. because I have done so much for them. They have rejected my offer and have made it abundantly clear that they resent me even trying to get them to acknowledge the truth of their error. Rather, they see what the want to see. They believe what they want to believe. They hear what they want to hear. They do not care about the truth. If they really cared about the truth, then they could not help but see the all-too-obvious reality on full display right before their very eyes. Rather, they have their own fabricated version of reality. Such a strikingly perverse generation they are. Self-righteous and perverse."
"How can they not see this obvious thing?" I ask myself. (I bet that Nietzsche knows exactly what I am talking about.)
» The Trump Administration has been Weighed in the Moral Balance and Found Wanting
Then I think, "They can't say that I didnt try to warn them .. repeatedly."
I will not be feeling the slightest bit of guilt when these fuckers are weighed-in-the-balance and found wanting .. found lacking .. found deficient.
Found guilty and condemned .. by the Judge of the living and the dead.
You'll see what I mean .. sooner or later.
» The Game-Changer
I have had people tell me similar such things .. and no, I didnt like it either when they told me that I was in error. I found it rather irritating to be honest.
But at least I took the time to do my own research and investigate whether what he said was true or not. Because, if it were true, then that would mean that this was a game-changer.
Here is where I did not rely on the opinion of anyone else .. no matter how much I might have respected them. Rather, I found out for myself.
» The Foolishness of Building Upon a Pretense While Depending Upon a Falsehood
Because this was sort of the foundational structure upon which my whole life was built. And if my whole life was being built on an error .. well, I am not even going to finish this sentence.
Except to say that the whole Republican party currently admits that it is built primarily upon a foundation of what they call "alternative facts."
Alternative facts are just falsehoods that they pretend are true .. for a number of reasons.
This seems to me a foolish strategy. Time will tell. The future already knows.
You dont need to be a prophet to see how this will end. It is just so plainly obvious to everybody.
» This has been Trump's Schtick His Whole Life
It should not surprise anyone .. because this has been Trump's schtick his whole life.
He takes a baloney sandwich and repackages it in a pretty box labeled as Trump Steak and makes a nice profit selling it to people who dont know the difference .. to people who want to be like Trump .. a self-made billionaire .. which is just another aspect of his schtick.
He has actually been very successful at this branding .. though, often at the expense of others.
» How Do You Square that in Your Mind?
Speaking of convincing the naive that a baloney sandwich is really an expensive steak .. check out what Coffee Joe says here at t=1:00 the morning after the midterms.
"I just gotta say that I think we all have to be really honest this morning. A lot of Americans decided to go out and vote - we saw it there - to support a man who spent the last month of the campaign - not making subtle appeals to racism .. but making overtly bigoted racist statements, attacking brown people, attacking black people, attacking people who are the other. And you could look at the lies. What was he lying about? The answer » everything. And I do sit here this morning, and I do wonder .. how do you exactly square that in your mind? That you went out to vote specifically to support a guy who gained the praise of David Duke? Who gained the praise of white nationalists, who acted like he did during the last month of the campaign?"
That's pretty impressive. This is not the same Coffee Joe who I knew back in December.
When I heard it, I actually thought of James Baldwin's Pin Drop speech .. because it was so quiet in there. You could hear a pin drop.
I would be lyin' if I said that I didnt have the same question myself. How do they square that in their minds?
Are Nazis bad? .. or very fine people? What say ye?
Somebody please ask a white evangelical this question for me. Do they really agree with the president on everything?
Are they really incapable of ethical functioning?
» Mika Goes Ninja-Like on Kirstjen Nielsen
Oh, look at Mika go here .. getting all ninja-like on Kirstjen Nielsen. I dont think that I have ever seen another thing quite like that.
She is calling out every piece of bullshit that is being said .. right at the point where it is being said it. That has a cool effect when she does that.
And here is Mr. Ninja himself talking about language.
» Doctors Say that Toxic Stress Can Affect a Child for Their Entire Life
Shame on you, Kirstjen Nielsen. Shame the fuck on you and your shitty values and priorities. You are a spineless piece of shit.
Woe unto you.
Note that this section on our government ripping children away from their parents has been moved to its own page » When Governments Inflict Lasting Psychic Trauma on Children as a Matter of Policy (21 June 2018).
To what degree are we, as a society, as citizens, morally responsible for this lasting psychic trauma?
All of it? Some of it? None of it? Is anybody morally responsible for inflicting this lasting psychic trauma on these children?
You probably want to take your time with that one .. because you dont want to get it wrong.
» Historical Drama Playing Out Right Before Your Very Eyes
This thing here where Sessions fires McCabe .. this is juicy shit .. from a historical perspective. Can't you just see history playing out right before your very eyes?
These are the places where a nation learns a lot about itself. Jeff knows what I am talking about.
» Is Trump a Treasonous Traitor?
I bet that Krugman knows exactly what I am talking about here. Mika, too.
Speaking of historical drama and intending to do lasting harm .. I wonder what Andrew McCabe thinks about what David Leonhardt says here.
He makes it sound like Trump actually hates America .. and that he is doing his best to weaken its very foundations as much as he can.
Why do republicans cower in fear from Trump's anti-democratic tendencies? What a bunch of pussies. Spineless pussies who have sold their souls.
I wonder what Michael Morell thinks about that.
Certainly Trump has been a traitor to democracy, and to the vision of the founding fathers.
And more than a few republicans have encouraged him and supported him in these anti-democratic aims.
» The Quisling Who was Executed as a Traitor
Krugman calls Trump a quisling. He says that it is a demonstrated fact.
I had to look up the word. The term is defined as:
- A traitor who serves as a puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country.
- A traitor who collaborates with the enemy.
- Someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force.
The term comes from Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945), who ruled the Nazi collaborationist government of Norway during WW2.
I see what Krugman is saying.
Quisling the quisling was executed by a firing squad of his own people as a traitor to his nation on 24 October 1945. He was 58 years old.
» Trump is Not Psychologically Equipped to Resist the Temptation of Treason
Who does not believe that Trump would sell out America in a heartbeat? .. if it meant that he could get something out of it, personally.
I do not even think that Trump is capable of resisting such enticements. His moral compass is broken .. if it ever worked at all.
It seems to be stuck pointing in the direction of self-enrichment .. always at the expense of others.
I bet that Mick Mulvaney knows exactly what I am talking about.
This is who Trump is. This is who he has always been.
This is the only person that Donald Trump is capable of being. It is not even possible for him to do otherwise.
To imagine anything more from him is the very definition of foolishness.
I mean, is anybody really surprised to hear this news? Who could not see this coming from miles away?
Treason in plain sight. At t=7:00 here, Frank says that treason is the reason for all the lies.
If Trump did put the country before self .. now that would have surprised me.
You might think him embarrassed about these back-channel dealings .. but Trump is actually proud of himself. Because the whole Russia focus was based on self-enrichment. This is what he has always done.
» The Emperor has No Clothes
I wonder what former CIA director John Brennan thinks of this.
I wonder what general Barry McCaffrey thinksof all this.
And of course I can't help but wonder what Laurence Tribe thinks of all this.
That's what I thought.
I wonder what James Stavridis thinks.
This is the end of this page. ■
This is the end of this theme. Hopefully it is not the end of Democracy in Ameica.
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